Wall Sawing

Track mounted wall saws, hand held saws and concrete chain saws to make vertical saw cuts in concrete and masonry.

Wall Saw Cutting through 12" CMU

Track mounted wall saws, hand held saws and concrete chain saws to make vertical and horizontal saw cuts in concrete and masonry. The top photo shows wall sawing through 22" CMU with the electric powered Pentruder saw. The photos below show the sawing of 13 windows and 1 door into 8" precast double tee concrete panels.

Pentruder 8-20 High Cycle Wall Saw
Mahowald Services, LLC. Pentruder 8-20 High Cycle wall saw operates on high frequency electric power and can produce 31 horsepower at the blade shaft. Using a 4 speed gear box, the Pentruder 8-20 will spin blades from 32" to 78". This allows full use of the 31 horsepower motor, simply by shifting gears. The Pentruder has a 36" sawing depth capacity. Electric power is provided by the Mahowald Services, LLC. generator or can be wired into existing building 3 phase power.
Cut With Vertical Wall Saw
Vertical Wall Saw